Wednesday, November 25, 2009

SMART Recreatinal Goals

Goal 2: Recreational Goal

Specific: I intend to complete my driving lesson at the driving school, all to be done before the age of 21.

Measurable: I can monitor my progress by recording down the number of lesson I took before my Traffic Police Test. I will be more attentive and diligence for my lesson. So I will be able to pass my Test by the count of 1.

Achievable: If I successfully complete my every lesson not having the need to retake I will achieve my goal in time of schedule. I will go for my Final Theory Test, after which 2 days per week for my driving lesson. Do more driving practice before my Traffic Police Test.

Relevant: After I get my driving license I will be able to drive my family especially my mother around Singapore. And I will be valuable to my life next time in term of working at a place far from home. A car will be essential of course will be companied with driving license.

Time referenced:

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